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Progress? Loads...



I've not posted in a while, so here are some hoppers on my photo plank I built a month or so ago...




I have added some stock to my collection, although there are only so many pictures of dutch liveried dogfish you can really show off when they look pretty much the same. I've been purchasing each one here and there as funds allow. Anyway, I've now added loads to the hoppers, and the rake is coming along - I am aiming for 8 dogfish and 4 seacows, so 5 and 2 is over 50% finished!




Loads are woodland scenics ballast, secured using Future Klear, dropped on from a tea spoon. Wagons are painted using the techniques mentioned in my other posts - mostly GW acrylics and Mig powders. The sleepers in the OCA kicking around in the background are from 2mm Society Easitrac, and look vastly superior to their Peco equivalents.



On the 'proper' layout front, furniture has been moved and track has been purchased for an inglenook based layout and the plan tested on top of my bookcases - just need to get the baseboard built for it that will fit in the same spot!


As for the photo plank, it does what its supposed to I guess, although I really should spray that pink foam showing at the edges another colour, and get round to adding a card backdrop. It might get some other additions too as and when required - I am to test all my techniques on it before committing any to its bigger brother...

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Lovely work on the weathering Jonas.


All nice and subtle.





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Those dogfish look really nice :)


And the photo plank looks good too. I think I shall have to make one, and make it double as a test/dcc programming track.

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Things are looking good here! Think there was some dutch liveried hoppers in my local model shop so perhaps you can bolster the fleet in few weeks time! I may have to get on and weather my seacows, else they'll look stupid next to your lot!!!!


Seriously good to see some more photos. You'll need to pick up a few scenic details for that plank...I reckon once you've done a couple a hedgerows and maybe a scratch built thingumy, you'll have a proper itch for the layout!! One step closer to the master plan :D


I'm gonna point out good weather more often now Steve! :P

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Thanks for the kind comments. I'm glad the weathering in the rake as a whole ties them together as I have done them one by one over a few months. I do wonder if it is possible to replace the plastic handrails with wire...the seacows have much finer appearance thanks to it.


The plank has been a worthwhile exercise and one I would recommend-still plenty of techniques to try out on it yet mind!

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LOL, If you're feeling brave in March, they sell fine brass wire n rod at the local shop and I've got a stash of blades that will see those existing rails taken clean off... :P

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