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Just a quick post to show how the boiler and smokebox will join using the copper ring I soldered to the smokebox. This was done so the boilers and tanks can be seperated for painting, I find it easier if the bits that are mainly green are apart from the bits that are mainly black. It is also very much easier to do the lining.

The down side is it can use up quite a few nuts and bolt. I wish it could be done with splashers too. I think with this loco the cab floor will be attatched to the footplate rather than in the cab proper. More of that later




I have converted one of the buffers to being self contained. Just needs the wire soldering nearer the end of the construction. This was done mainly to see if I could do it, but has the benifit that the tail of the buffer head is not scrapping on the bottom of the footplate or visible.



I have also been playing with the chimney. It is almost right against the drawing. Just needs some more tidying up. I will give it a coat of primer before I do any more, this should highlight the faults with it. Shame my lathe is still in England, would of been so much easier.


Edited by N15class
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Hi Peter,


Would you mind doing a how to do it on the self contained buffers?


Apologies if have asked this before but how did you make the copper ring or is it bought in?

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Hi Peter,Would you mind doing a how to do it on the self contained buffers?Apologies if have asked this before but how did you make the copper ring or is it bought in?



I will do that. I am in the process of doing the others so will get some pictures before I to far. I am doing the 3 slightly differently, but the result is the same.

I think I replied about the copper ring, but it is just a length of 1mm electric wire wrapped around the boiler, then soldered to the back of the smoke box. It is there to represent the round joint between the 2 parts, it is not quite rightwhen the real thing is looked at but I think is passable. It also means I canhave a seperate body. Makes painting and lining a lot easier.

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