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Ropley - Purest Green?




"Can it be true, that I hold here in my mortal hand a nugget of purest green?"


Well, yes, but not the right green!


A rather failed attempt to paint the Carriage and Boiler shop has occured today! After browsing the array of greens on sale in the local Halfords, I picked one that I thought was the closest match to the building, as seen in exhibit 'A' below:



Exhibit 'A'


Now a small disclaimer, the lighting conditions are not ideal for photography in the room, especially with the iphone, and consqeuntly the photo below makes the green look alot darker than it actually is, but still it is much to blue, not yellow enough and therefore wrong! Exhibit B, m'lud:



Exhibit 'B'


So, back to the drawing board it is on this one. I think I’m going have to resort to doing things the difficult way and spray the building with the airbrush if I can find a better match in one of the paint ranges.


Still, at least there is now a nice smooth base coat for the final top coat!



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  • RMweb Gold

Indeed you do, Tom, except, of course, it's not really a nugget, it's more of a splat.


Sorry Tom...couldn't resist that...BlackAdder II being my fave series of them all.


Its a tricky one matching colours...found that recently buying a batch of Humbrol pots here...and then taking off the lids, stirring well...and ir resembling nothing of the lid!


As you say, perhaps the air brush is the way forward...can't think of any motors that would be that exact colour...it's rather special :P

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  • RMweb Gold

can't think of any motors that would be that exact colour...it's rather special :P


Indeed it is Pete, although there must have been a few that were close in the 70's! :)


I could have it matched at Halfords I suppose, but thats quite a pricey way of doing things, plus for the same cost I can take the train down to Alton, spend some rather more pleasurable time browsing in Alton Model Centre and most likley come out with a better match! This is probably what I should have done in the first place!



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Hi Tom -


I can think of worse ways to spend an afternoon! Quite a shop -and once you get past the crusty exterior, Bob's got a heart of gold!





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