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Missys New Year Quiz



Hello :)


This post was meant to be published over the Christmas Break but with RMWeb taking a short break plus other things I have only just managed to get it done! I hope it was worth the wait!


OK, just before Christmas I had some unexpected time off work so as I was stuck at home I decided to have another go at some trees so my good friend Gina and myself sat down and made a few more. Now one of my goals for Highclere is that the trees on the layout are reconisable, so to test this out I have created a little quiz / test to see if it works! Now I know what the trees are meant to be but can you folks reconise them from the photos below? Let me know what trees you think they are...(Trees 1 to 5)...












(Thank you Andy for helping with this one!)


The trees are made using the age old method of twisting wire together to form the shape, the only difference I do is to solder the wires together once formed to strengthen them a little. The tree is then sprayed with aersols ('cos i am lazy!), covered lightly in Woodland Scenics Polyfibre, then with Gaugemaster Leaves (thanks to Lee m22 on his layout thread Hares Run for the tip-off), all held together with copious amounts of hairspray! The leaves I feel give a wonderful effect as shown below...




Finally I got a SR Brakevan etched kit for Christmas and I couldnt bear it ending up in my gloat box with all the other kits so I built it!




Thank you Andy :)


Missy :)

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Happy New Year Missy!

These trees look great! I'm plumping for 1 Birch, 2 Larch, 3 Scots Pine, 4 Oak, 5 Hawthorn? Not that I know much about dendrology... Nice van too, do I get a bonus point for the wood connection?



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  • RMweb Gold

Lovely Trees Missy! I'll have to try out some of those Gaugemaster Leaves, they look finer than the Noch ones I've used so far.



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  • RMweb Gold

My thoughts were Birch, Elm, Scots Pine, Ash and Hawthorn. Oak tends to have a lot more bends in the boughs although the leaves look wrong for ash more rounded like a Beech but the branches don't seem right for a Beech. We walk the dogs every morning across the fields to a copse owned by the national trust with Oak, Beech, Chestnut, Pines Holly and Hazel mainly plus the delightful red squirrels. I do miss the Evergreen Oaks and the Redwoods on Exmoor though including the talest tree in England a 197ft Douglas Fir. Place a model of that on a 2mm layout.

They are lovely trees Missy. I may be used to looking at them but I doubt whether I could match your models.

I presume that the breakvan is the David Long etch. I have one to assemble any tips?


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  • RMweb Gold

I recognize the last one, it's a brake van! :-)


Seriously though, I got a few of them right, wonderful modelling as ever Missy. The Gaugemaster leaves look very good. Duly noted!

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Hi Missy


Nice looking trees whatever they are.


I'll go for Siver Birch, Elm, Scots pine, Beech and Hawthorn.


Best wishes



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Missy, It's a tribute to your fine modelling that so many can recognise the trees!

Nice van too!


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I wouldn't even be able to start - although the absence of koalas suggests they are not gums from around here! When are the answers coming along? The van looks nice - I must finish mine off!

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  • RMweb Gold

1 - tree, 2 - tree, 3 - tree, 4 - tree, 5 - bush, 6 - big tree, 7 - van made from trees.

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Hello :)


Thanks for the replies, its quite interesting to see what others think the trees are although some didnt seem to take it too seriously!


OK, these are what the trees were supposed to be....!


1. Silver Birch

2. Cedar of Lebanon

3. Scots Pine

4. English Oak

5. Hawthorn


No prizes, just a bit of fun! Its good to know that I am heading in the right direction though, and with a little bit of practice I think they will becomme a little more obvious.




Missy :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Excellent examples of trees, my only serious comment would be the trunk for the oak tree looks a little thin for a tree of that age & height.


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Thanks once again for the supportive comments guys.


Excellent examples of trees, my only serious comment would be the trunk for the oak tree looks a little thin for a tree of that age & height. Stu


Thanks Stubby, good point about the oak trunk though, I keep on adding more wire everytime I try one of these trees but I just cant seem to get it thick enough, I will try again next time with even more wire.


Missy :)

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