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Heworth Sidings - Update - 01/12/2011





Here's a pic of one of the converted Code 55 turnouts for our layout. I've removed the spring (which keeps the point blades in position) as we are using slow action motors, isolated the turnout blades from the frog (using a jeweller's saw) and tied the blades to the stock rails electrically. Finally I've added pickups to the frog and stock rails.




We've also been discussing how we can better protect the rail ends when the boards are being put up or taken down, basically we want to reduce the risk of the rail ends getting ripped off the board or out of the sleepers. I've included a pic of one of our ideas, but would be interested if anybody has any other ideas along similar lines.




We are currently looking to replace the last 3 or 4 sleepers at the rail ends with copper clad sleepers. The sleepers will be bonded to the trackbed and the rails will be soldered to the sleepers. My test piece just uses some copper clad board cut to the size of a sleeper and some code 80 rail scraps, this leaves a little gap between the rail and the sleeper, which I've had to fill with solder for the test pieces, but for the layout, everything will be measured and shimmed correctly so that we can get some nice solder joints.




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