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A belated round of freight photos

NGT6 1315


Morning all.


I didn't get around to posting these images earlier, though I actually took them on 7 October when I felt the need to turn my mind to something else, following Grandpa's passing one day before. I rode out to Bischofsheim once again, hoping to capture a few freight trains circulating through the yard there.





294 665 was on yard duty that day, and is seen here moving towards Bischofsheim's station building during her shunting turn. Weather that day was unstable with intermittent showers.






Likewise, 185 342 - having just arrived with a freight train from the east - had uncoupled and was now shunting back into the yard.






After one of the various showers to pour from the sky, 152 139 was exiting the yard with a string of "LKW Walter" intermodal trailers up back...






...followed by 155 182 on a rake of sliding wall wagons.






Having returned to the suburban platform, I then captured 185 136 with one of the "Winner" intermodal workings.






140 043 almost took me by surprise, coming in from Kostheim with what would appear to have been a shipment of car parts for the Opel works at nearby Rüsselsheim.






And this was one of the ERS Eurosheds - specifically, 6612 or 266 035.






185 350 was leaving to the west with a mixed rake of wagons.





...followed by 185 022, one of the 1st series locos and part of the batch equipped for France.





And this was the biggest catch that day: Stock Transport's 264 002, the first Voith Maxima I have ever seen close up B) . An impressive beast...

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Thanks for sharing.

Bischofsheim seems to be a very interesting place that I may enjoy visiting one day.

Voith Maxima: an impressive and... ugly beast!

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