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lonesome pines




Over the last few days I have been experimenting with making pine trees using sea moss and scatter.

I have not used this material before, but it seemed to be good for this small scale.

I made up some grey slurry from PVA, polyfilla and grey acrylic paint for the bark coating, and used an idea I've seen somewhere about pushing soft wire up through the trunk to give it strength and allow it to be straightened safely.

I needed to try to create some pines for theembankment and the hill behind the tunnel, as in this 1960's photo of Glenfield ( apologies for quality of scan):




Here are a few of the model pines just temporarily put in place - though by no means perfect, I think they are starting to lend this part of the layout some atmosphere. :






I am going to try a second batch of 3-4 pines plus some other varieties, though I'm not going overboard as I think it may be too much for the little hill on my version of Glenfield - I actually quite like it just with the four!




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they look pretty good as you say less can be more

Thanks Nigel. I think I might try adding a few dabs of darker paint here and there. The darkest scatter I could find is still a little light for pine cover.

I am also going to try spraying the sea moss first, as the light yellowy colour shows through. I think it looks ok, butits always worth trying something different.


Only in 2mm do you see decent height trees. These look good.Don


I did wonder if I'd made thema bit too tall, and the trunks not quite heavy enough, but I like tall trees and pines are often very tall!


Looking nice Chris...

Thanks Pete. I'm particualry enjoying the more artistic side of layout building.

At present working in the station cottage garden cultivating some veggies!

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