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Virtual reality



I've been getting into 3D design in a big way of late. I need to get some parts made for the 7mm scale tank wagon projects, which are slowly progressing beyond ideas in my head, so set to learning the drawing package (Alibre) by knocking up a buffer of the type required. It's taken some time to get to this point, but I'm now happy it's as accurate as I can make it.

Behold the mysterious floating buffer:




Unfortunately, as the head has been built as the same part as the shank, it appears chromed in the final render (pimp my buffer :lol: ), but that's a lesson learned for next time! The plan is to send the model to Shapeways, or similar, to make a master, which will then be used to make wax copies for lost wax casting.


It's been a nice diversion from the weathering and 37 projects, although I've now discovered that I need to redesign the traction motors slightly, after running into a little problem with tolerances. Still, the new drawing package should be able to help with that as well.

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  • RMweb Gold

To someone who isn't overly confident with ICT, that is very cleaver! (Or atleast I think it is!) So presumably Martin you could do that with anything within reason.





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That's the great thing about Model Railways - there are so many diversions in the hobby to keep us interested for life. Great to see a different direction Martin, thanks for sharing :)

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You can't stop at the buffer, you've got to model the rest of the wagon now :P


The great thing about CAD based masters rather than manually made ones is that you can tell them to make one 4/7 of the size too.. If the material was quite there in an affordable way anyway :rolleyes: .


It is great fun once you've found a package and methodology you get on with.

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Looking forward to seeing this "in the flesh" in FUD! (or maybe chocolate?)<div><br></div><div>I'm with you on the 3D design-is-a-distraction-from-proper-modelling thing...</div>

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Thanks all 8)


Nick - You could do it with anything. You just need the dimensions and develop the skill of breaking down a part into shapes you can create with the drawing package. It's a state of mind as much as anything!


James - It most certainly is, I wouldn't have imagined doing half of what I've done in the last year or two when I started out in 2005.


Craig - The rest of the wagon is coming, just very, very slowly :lol: This particular part is drawn at full size and will be scaled when it comes to the printing. The scaling will take into account any shrinkage in the moulding process, so the print will be slightly larger than 7mm scale.


Guy - Tempting! I wouldn't say the 3D design is a distraction from proper modelling, it is more like delayed proper modelling :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Nick - You could do it with anything. You just need the dimensions and develop the skill of breaking down a part into shapes you can create with the drawing package. It's a state of mind as much as anything!



More skills than me! Looks cracking.

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Cheers. The program seems every bit as capable as Solidworks, though I can't say for sure as I've never used it. I've only scratched the surface of Alibre, but I'm pretty impressed with it so far, it'll do everything I want it to, and no doubt a lot more besides!

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  • RMweb Gold

You are one clever hombre, that's for sure...


I dunno, the youth of today, eh? I my day I'd have had to be happy with a bit of balsa wood turned up in my Black & Decker, all held together with Cow Gum! :laugh:

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In my day I'd have had to be happy with a bit of balsa wood turned up in my Black & Decker, all held together with Cow Gum!

That was the back up plan ;) :lol:

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