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Fools rush in



fol·ly<script>play_w2("F0229900") (fobreve.giflprime.gifemacr.gif)n. pl. fol·lies


1. A lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight.


2. (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Architecture) a building in the form of a castle, temple, (a layout!) etc., built to satisfy a fancy or conceit, often of an eccentric kind


Sounds about right.


I'm Canadian. I've never visited Cornwall and I've certainly never set foot in Golant. However, I know what I like and when Peter, one of our club members, showed me Peter Marriott's "Gullant" (Model Rail no.152) I was hooked. There's something very appealing to my mind about rails and water together.


It was time for a change.


I was hosting our club in a few weeks, so I probably should have waited until after the meeting to tear down my exisiting but unsatisfying Florida Central switching layout, but where would be the fun in that? So, with a generous offer of assistance from Marty, a very talented layout builder from our club, we tore down the existing layout, built the benchwork for the new layout, came up with a 16' by 6.5' trackplan (sort of) and laid a loop of track just in time for the meeting with a very modest supply of rolling stock.


Now it's time to figure out what I'm doing and where I go from here...


I'm really enjoying the build and I'm learning more about BR practice everyday.


I invite any comments, questions or advice on any facet of the layout as I go along.


If you've read this far, thank you.


Photos and further commentary to follow soon!




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