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NGT6 1315


Afternoon all!


This is just a quick snapshot I took on my way to uni...





Having shown class 425 EMUs on various occasions before, I can now introduce you to their "baby" sized variant as well, which is called class 426. Superficially, this type looks more or less like two class 425 cab segments stuck together, though of course various bits of equipment but are arranged differently. The two outer bogies are powered. They can be operated in multiples with 425s with no problem, though if memory serves multiples consisting of more than four 426s only are subject to a 120 kph speed restriction due to the short distance between pantographs.


These here were 426 001, another 426 and one 425 working the RE 15012/15112 service to Marburg and Dillenburg, which are split at Gießen.


For the sake of comparison – this is a 425:






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