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Tramway de la Zones Humides



I've decided to rebuild my 09 "Wetlands Light Railway" as 0n16.5 and relocate it "somewhere in France".

This is after some poor running problems with my 09 stock and, as I've got a reasonable collection of 0n30/0n16.5 stock, it seem the right decision.

Consequently, I've renamed it "Tramway de la Zones Humides", which may or may not be a correct translation. No doubt someone will correct me. It is now some 21 feet in length, stil by its 1 foot width. Now to start on the tracklaying...

Progress (or not!) on my website: www.narrowgaugemodelling.com

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Tramway des Zones Humides or Tramway de la Zone Humide....


Actually Chemin de fer du Marais would probably an equivalent

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