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Shapeshifting in Limehouse



I've been having doubts. These doubts were a by-product of kittens. The appearance of the kittens was fuelled by the steep rise of a tankful. Amongst other things. The purse strings are now tuned an octave higher, and horizons brought considerably closer. These factors, and the nagging fascination with micro layouts, has fuelled the selective compression - a withdrawl if you will - onto the board singular you see below.


This response aligns closely to Darwinian precepts, in that the organism has reacted succcessfully to changes in its environment (well, the mental and financial environment of its overseer, if truth be told.....); it has managed to reconfigure all existing appendages and formations into its newly-restricted bodyform, ans still manages to raise a smile.


It has become not so much a place to play trains, but a setting through which trains move.


The two major structures are based on real places: the dockside wharehouse will be based on this wonderful mixture of surfaces , while the one on the right will be modelled on this fine fecundity of fenestration (a.k.a Starboard Way Electricity Sub-Station, Poplar). I am enjoying the fact that I have identified two actual buildings.


It has become not only a setting through which trains move, but one that exercises my interest in industrial archaeology. I like that it's full, but I have tried to allow freedom of movement for wheeled cranes and other unconfined transport.


Proasaic perimeterisation: the board will be bounded on three sides - all save the front - and actors be able to enter and exit stage left and right. Pursuant Ursidae will NOT be admitted to the backstage area.


Sightlines have been worked out. All exits (I count 4 on the left - 2 through the front of the quayside shed), 3 on the right, and 1 at the back) are hidden bar the one stage right. This one (behind the hopper, which rests at the end of the quay) may be a place for exploration of reflective surfaces.


Jan the Space Stuffer has tried in vain to place a 35ft turntable in the many previous configurations... :)


If you're of a mind, share your thoughts....







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