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Countryside Planning

SNCF stephen


I promised that I would do a layout plan to highlight how the layout will look. I have taken the time to do that today and here it is:


Board 1 is the original board. It has seen some remodelling of the station tracks to give longer passing loops, more room at the depot and more siding space with the option of using one of the sidings as a third platform.

Board 2 is the extension module I have built. The woodwork for this is largely done and the track has been partially laid. It is a small halt in a rural area that features a lot of woodland. There may be forest roads and areas of woodland that have been cleared. The station will have a small building and there will also be a small goods siding. The railway runs over a viaduct which traverses a valley.

Board 3 will see a bridge run over the line carrying the road down to a small lake where there will be a camp site. The line splits into two to allow trains to be stored.The frame for this section has been constructed.

Board 4 has two tracks allowing one to be used as storage space as required. An extra siding may be added to increase capacity. This section will be removable to allow access.

Board 5 I have not decided what I want to do with board five yet. The frame for this section has also been constructed.

Board 6 is the fiddle yard that has been extended to accommodate more trains. This might be modelled as if it were on the outskirts of Limoges. There is scope to get an engine shed and have this at the end of one of the lines.


So thats the plan. Plenty to do. I am looking forward to creating the lake and the valley sections the most. For comparison here is the original layout plan:



Feedback is very welcome at this early stage of the build process.

Thanks for reading,



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