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A batten peninsula



I'm plugging away at the reconfiguration of Steinrücken, and I'm making some reasonable progress. A slight change from the plan I uploaded with my last post is that the former helix base at the top right (now to be simply a balloon loop) has been flipped over, so I had to remove the legs, turn it over and re-affix them. This gives a wider (increased from 1' to 2') entrance to the central well, while still allowing a 20 inch wide passage to the top operating corridor (itself 32" wide) I've also made new legs for the two corner boards, although rather crude they're stable. Some L-girder has gone in place for roadbed at the site of the small station (now christened Steinrücken Hohe), and I have enough boards in place to work out the elevations for the plain line. I'd like to get at least one frame from the large station (Steinrücken Langefeld) in place so that I can be more sure of gradients, and I do think I'd be best getting all boards up before trying to choose final roadbed elevations and radii. I need to put a shelf up for my stereo before I can do this, as it presently sits on top of a cabinet, and while the cabinet can sit under the layout, the height of the stereo is such that it cannot remain where it is. And yes, the stereo is something I consider essential! Today Jarvis Cocker and Warren Zevon have kept me good company while working.





A pretty poor picture, taken through the garage window to get the whole mess in. The spirit level and set square hid in shame.


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