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Two Sagas for the price of one!



First, an update on the RSU saga. Thanks to pointers from Kenton, I experimented with the paper insulation suggestion. The only difference was - I use asbestos sheet.




Using the magnet as the 'return' path, the joints were made using the contacts shown. A-D was really fierce - even made the asbestos smoke! B-D was good - but C-D did the job without an excess of heat - you can see unmelted solder past round the join.


Continuing on with the MSWJR 4-4-0, this is one of the tender step units built using the same setup. Perfick!




Kenton - my thanks.


So on with the saga of the 4-4-0. The morning was spent re-hanging the brake-gear. I needed to add 'muffs' to both the brake hangers and the pull rod. The brake hangers to ensure the blocks cleared the wheel treads and to ensure the pull-rods cleared the back of the wheels. Practically this means they hang just inside the dummy frames. More of that anon....


After a quick lunch a start was made on the footplate. First thing to decide - which way up/way round did the footplate go? With no drawings it appeared something of a gamble




Logically the wider end has to be adjacent to the loco cab. This was confirmed when - reading down through the instructions - mention was made of folding up two tabs to affix the rear of the tender...




Another clue was the etched line showing the location of the valance...


So the two valances were prepared - rivets popped ec. The instructions also made mention of fitting the steps. Well I'd already made those (see above), so using the logic that the rivets were where the steps were affixed - I affixed them!




Then sweated the first valance starting from the rear of the tender. Immediately it appeared that the valance was over-long - however, it does dogleg at the front so I carried on, expecting (hoping??) the problem would resolve itself. Silly me - and off with the front step, re-affixing it when the valance was finally in position.




Both valances were finally fitted and trimmed to length, then it was on with the mainframes, buffer bar and drawplate. Actually not too many issues here - as I was assembling the unit 'upside down' I took the precaution before fitting of filing down the mainframe tabs until they were flush with the upper surface of the running-plate.


'Solder the mounting nuts in place'.... Ahh - another problem...




resolved by dremel-ing about a half-mil off each end of the dummy frames (that way the wheel centres line up with the axlebox positions).




Almost there - except it isn't! The brake-gear doesn't fit... I mentioned in an earlier post that the brake hanger positions appear to be too far back. I think the '80s' logic was to get them showing somehow. In that position they do not foul the wheel rims, and can be recessed almost level with the false frames. Re-positioned correctly, the hangers foul the sideframes! It appears that, whilst the sub-frame has 'EM' (and P4) spacers, the width difference has not been accounted-for in the mainframes. I dont know (yet) how to resolve this - but I've got six work days to think of something!






Recommended Comments

Fiddly but good luck - I think although these things are frustrating and we wish kit designers had thought of them, they actually can be quite rewarding when over come :)

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