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A little rusty.....



After a couple of weeks of false starts I've finally got a first blog entry together. As the blurb somewhere else says my aim is to set a few jottings on what's passing across my workbench and also continuing development work on my US outline layout "Galatia, KS". Hope you all find something that is of interest going forward........


Additions to the fleet


With another outing looming one (of many) jobs is to expand the current roster of freight cars for the layout. Where I'm modelling circa 2008 to 2010 as a guide there is plenty of scope for some really pretty neglected freight cars even including some relatively modern cars like the Trinity covered hopper produced by Atheran. Having purchased one such car a couple of years back in Illinois Central grey scheme time came to get it to a sufficient state to enter service. Having located a pic to work from off RRPicturesArchive.Net battle commenced resulting in the car below (proto vs model)






The rust patched were applied using acrylics and the grey packing foam that comes in old Athearn 'Blue Box' kits and underframes done artists oils applied with a cosmetic sponge (not my wife's!).


Next up a SSW / Golden West Service boxcar and some powerline poles (plus repartriating my layout from a friends shed)


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