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New beginnings?



Greetings, and a Happy New Year.

Not exactly new beginnings, it's just that as I am starting off tentatively towards producing a small 2mm layout on which to operate my locos and stock, it seems inappropriate to use the scratchbuilding forum for the various aspects.


I recently finished, more or less anyway, the first of my Worsley 6 wheelers.Ostensibly a SDR vehicle, it seems to be close enough to the photos I have of Midland counterparts,and may even be the same. I had bought a couple of Fencehouses compensated chassis some time ago for the two carriages. It looks very small when compared to the Bains bogie coaches:




My intention is that the local passenger train on my little Midland branch will consist of one 6 wheeler and 2 clerestories, though the platform should accomodate 4 57 footers and a tender loco.


Here is a quick shot of the ( limited) progress on Little Midland.

I chose to adopt Pete's idea of using a couple of 110mm Ikea shelves, cutting large sections out of the back so that electrics etc could be fitted. This first endeavour will be the main station board. The ststion approach and fiddle yard will be on the second board. The reversing point for the loop will be on this section. Also can be seen some of my rather cluttered work area! :blink:




The points are only temporary positioned, hence the disjointed lining up. I need to fit tie bars and droppers before holes are cut in the board top and they are laid.


I elected again to use Sellotape double sided sticky strip for the easitrac, for ease of ballasting later, having tried it out on a previous code 55 shunting board and liking the method and results. I am hoping that the track will be supported enough - my test section is fine.

For obvious reasons the points are not laid on this, so 3 sections of cardboard of a identical height have been stuck down, and coated with layers of PVA glue to harden and seal them.

The cork sheet is to bring those areas closer to rail height, for the coal yard and goods dock siding.

Track centres will be 25mm in the station area, and 22.5mm in the approach. Some compromise is necessary when using the tape, but it does create a nice looking track bed when finished in my opinion.


So far the board is very light indeed, but strong.

I can't see a ply backscene and a bit of sculptamold adding significantly to the weight!

The plan is to fit the strong metal brackets which came with the board to the wall so that the layout can be quickly assembled above my work bench at playtime, but I'll see how this goes.

With only 5 turnouts in total on this layout, I am still deciding whether to get away from my usual wire in tube control.







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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Chris, good to see Little Midland here. :)


It's interesting to see that you are using the Ikea shelves as well. Could you say what the name/type of these shelves are? (It looks like the "LACK" series, but I believe those use paper as filling material!).

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  • RMweb Gold

Chris, Happy New Year!


Glad to see the IKEA shelves in use (they look like LACK to me....we have about 24 scattered around our home ;)) and despite the cardboard filling, they are strong and lightweight and certainly easy to move around.


I chose to space mine on the wall with a 50mm gap between them (so I can sort of see the layout in it's entirety but not run it) as I thought it would be difficult to get the tracks to align sufficiently (the walls in our apartment are shocking :O) and it makes it easier to remove them to work on them individually. I also couldn't bear to see them not quite in alignment :lol:


I certainly look forward to seeing your progress Chris.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Pete. I was just wondering how it is possible to cut the LACK shelves if they are paper/card based. Does it not crumble and become a right mess?

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  • RMweb Gold

Mikkel - Lets default to Chris on that one as I have limited my cuts to drilled holes...it can be a bit fiddly threading wires through but the +'s outweigh the -'s using these boards for me.


Chris - IKEA hijack of thread momentarily thwarted ;)

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