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Coming thick and fast now. Must be the fact that we're snowed in!

Have had another good session with the O2. Chassis has been tweaked by soldering additional strips onto the High Level hornblock thingies for the spring wire to slide through. Photo makes it easier. The front two wheels are now set at the right height so don't foul the underside of the splashers.

I've also attached the steps, coal rails, drawhooks (Ambis) and (after opening out the holes in the buffer beams) the buffers. Finally, I've spent about an hour slowly removing excess solder with an assortment of sharpened jewellers screwdrivers. All starting to come together (well in my eyes at least). You'll notice the gap under the coal rail at the back which will need attention but then it'll be full of coal so I'm not worried.

I'm hopefully going to start fitting various castings next. Don't know how much time I'll get up to Christmas now, but it'd be nice to get this someway towards finished over the forthcoming holidays.

Hoping you all have a merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.




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