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O2.6 and other stuff




Thanks to all who came and said hello at Wigan last weekend. Nice to hear kind things said about the layout. Although enjoyable, the show was a bit of a killer for me with a nightmare journey home on the Sunday evening. I've done too many shows this year (no surprises there Mr Venton!) and subsequently i've decided that I won't be accepting any more invitations for Wheal Elizabeth as I've got sufficient up to and including 2013. I want to get on with Clevedon and want to have it finished before then.


Returning to the O2, I've ground the rivets off the mark 2 smokebox and added 2 new wrappers - one of 10 thou and another wrapper with smaller, more widely spaced rivets. Oh and I ground off the kit's smokebox door as I acquired one from South East Finescast which has a larger diameter.

I've reattached the sandbox/splashers to align with the wheels. I've also a cunning plan to lift the front drivers in their springs. Only mocked up for now but it sits nicely. Should reduce the likelihood of wheels touching the underside of the splashers. Some filler will be necessary before it's all painted up but I think this is a marked improvement on O2.5.


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That's looking rather nice Andrew! I've been keeping an eye on this thread and going the extra distance to make sure you're getting the detailling right is definitely paying off! Look forward to seeing it on Wheal Elizabeth at some point in the near furture!


Best Wishes



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Paul - that isn't extra detailing (not yet anyway) it's correcting basic errors in design. Looks all the better for it though.



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