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The Schneider Hangar



I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my loyal blog visitors and especially those who have left comments or advice. biggrin.gif

So let's get on with the show...


Well I've been able to continue with the layout tonight and have followed up on Shortliner's suggestion (thanks Jack) of how to fix the hangar door problems I was having and have started to make some good progress.


Basically the idea was that a trench would be dug for the doors to sit into, and two guides for the hangar doors to slot between attached to the roof of the hangar. The result mean not only doors where they should be, but result in the hangar looking to be sunk in the ground, and more excitingly it means I can have the doors in any position I wish - open or closed! I have also painted the hangar which makes it look much more presentable.


My parcel of two packet of Silflor arrived in the post today. Silflor is a product I've wanted to try ever since I heard about it. On first inspection it looks pretty good, albeit the spring grass will need toning down a bit! I'll need to experiment to get a good blend of hanging basket liner and Silflor.


You will also see that I have started to paint the two new bogie open wagons a nice green to match the covered goods wagon.


I hope I'm not boring you with all these photos as I have had rather a lot of updates recently! I've added a couple arty shots at the end to make a change.










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You can drybrush the Silflor tufts to get more colour variation - e.g. putting dead-looking brown colours on green tips, or vice versa. I've also been hiding the odd spring green tuft among slightly darker greens which adds variety without burning my eyes out - they are, as you say, pretty bright!

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Good advice from Will - I also found you can tone down and blend together by applying further static grass using a puffer bottle or static applicator. I've used a bottle on parts of Paxton Road but am going to get a Grasmaster for Christmas :)



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Never get bored of reading your updates. I'm always impressed that you manage to photograph so many different angles on such a small layout. Sorry I haven't sent any lightship photos as yet - I'll have to do it soon as they seemed to be digging up the tarmac around it this week so maybe it is on the move soon!

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Will, James and Peter.

Will: That's a good idea, I hadn't thought about dry brushing. I must say your current layout looks fantastic, I will leave a comment on your topic later.

James: I've never actually used static grass before - again, something I want to try at some point!

Peter: Thanks for the compliment! Don't worry too much about the lightship photos - I had completely forgotten about it myself to be honest. Not sure if I have enough room for it, but I shall have a look anyway as it is a very interesting vessel.

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