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Information Panels



If there's something I have learnt from exhibiting it's that people love information boards. If you are able to captivate their attention by creating some information panels then you are likely to have people hanging around for that bit longer. Not only that, but I have found that people are more willing to talk to you about the layout!


Thanks to a suggestion made by someone on NGRM, I have created my own:





The next job will probably be to create a layout guide for exhibition managers so that I can just hand one out instead of handwriting all the information every time I'm asked to an exhibition!


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These look amazing. They would certainly attract my attention at a show!


You've achieved a nice balance of attractive pictures with a manageable amount of interesting information as a taster/context taking into consideration the amount of time people might want to spend reading. I also like the "corporate" design across them too. Your logo is excellent. I can imagine it is easier to start a conversation if you've seen someone reading the info and they might have some things to talk to you about or to ask once they've had a look too!


What size are they?

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Simon and Peter!

Be interested to see how yours come out, Simon. If you want a hand I may be able to find a bit of spare time or so (provided you can give me some text/photos?


Peter, I'm glad they'd attract your attention. I'll soon see if it works!

The logo was designed and made for me by jim-s-w who is a master at this kind of thing! I just used the colour scheme to make the headers. You are spot on when you say that it is a conservation starter. You know it will be easier to get a conversation out of people because they already have taken interest.


They are A4 size so shouldn't be too big and obtrusive.

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Those look great, I might have to copy that idea as well! I made some flyers the first time we exhibited Igelfeld, which were popular but there was sometimes a reluctance for people to pick them up and read - signs/panels as you've done would solve that. Also they'd use less ink :)

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Hi Jam, those look really smart, I have to say. What are you using to produce them, software-wise. I'm guessing if not some Desktop Publishing programme, then perhaps Powerpoint or similar?


I'm a bit pedantic about clear and yet stylish presentation of text*, and what you've got there looks very professional.


(* I'm currently trying to decide between fonts for a layout nameplate, Optima and Gill Sans. Why do I care so much about trivia like that??)

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jamie,

Thanks very much.

I've simply used Microsoft Word 2007 for the most part. The header was created using Paint.Net by copying the colours from the logo and utlising them. Glad you like it.


Trivial? Probably! But if it's any consolation I'm in the same boat! laugh.gif

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