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Progress Report



Well it's been quite a while since I last posted an entry in my blog...so most definitely time for an update!


There hasn't really been any work done on the layout itself, other than a move to the other side of the room so that I had more space for it, it's now grown to 12ft x 2ft, but I'm still finding that I don't quite have enough space to do what I want to do.


There's been a few new additions to the loco roster, mainly through a few ebay purchases, I've gone from having 1 1/2 engines (Connoisseur Models Nellie and the remains of a Springside Manning Wardle 0-4-0) to now having eight locomotives, though not all of them are actually finished yet or even built in the case of a couple of them!


Nellie the Connoisseur Models starter loco has had a full repaint into Furness Railway Indian Red livery, all it needs now is some lining and the cab interior needs painting and it will finally be finished.






The remains of the Springside Manning Wardle 0-4-0ST have taken on a new role as a model of 'Gervase' that was the first loco owned by the Kent & East Sussex Railway preservation society, he originally started out as a Manning Wardle H class loco that was rebuilt rather thoroughly by Sentinel of Shrewsbury to an approximation of one of their designs: http://jedwards.fotopic.net/p59928520.html - this shows Gervase as running at Tenterden in the 1960's. The rest of the photographs in that gallery chart the progress of the restoration of this loco - quite a fascinating collection. So far all I've done is to collect the necessary parts for the project, but nothing has been started yet- watch this space as they say!


Finally the new loco's,


Oakville Models Ruston 48DS - I bought this kit from fellow RMWebber Fen End Pit back in December of last year when I was planning my challenge layout, though that has since fallen by the wayside. I made a start on the kit when I received it, but with everything that's gone on over the last 9 months I hadn't really found the enthusiasm to do much more with it. That however all changed earlier this week when I picked it up again...and somehow managed to build most of the bodywork over a period of 3 evenings, all thats left now is to find a suitable motor and gearbox thats small enough, and finish off the bonnet and cab roof/interior detail. Livery wise will probably be some sort of green livery with lots of much - lovely!






Bachmann Brassworks 03 diesel shunter - this I have to say is simply one of the most stunning locomotives that I've ever owned. This has been painted in BR green with wasp stripes - though I'm still summoning up the courage to tackle the wasp stripes, I bought a set of Fox Transfers to do the job but couldn't get on with them but I'm not deterred, I'm going to try again at some point as that is all that stands between the model and completion.





Midland Railway 1F 0-6-0T - I'm not quite sure of the origins of this loco, I suspect that it's either Slater's or Mercian, but its hard to tell. This is finished in BR black with the early emblem, number wise I'm not quite sure yet as its one of the original Johnson boiler fitted examples and I'm not 100% sure if any survived in this condition into the BR era.






Connoisseur Models GER Y6 tram engine - this one is just a running chassis with side skirts at the moment, I'm not quite sure what livery it will end up in, at the moment I'm torn between BR livery as either 68082 or 68083, or it could even end up as Toby the tram engine - we shall have to wait and see!


GER Y6 - I seem to have a bit of a thing for ex-Great Eastern tram engines - I'm not sure about the origins of this one, although it does have a plastic body running on a Lima motor bogie - Westdale or something like that, hopefully someone can enlighten me as to its origins. At the moment this is in GER blue and brown, though I feel that a repaint into LNER/BR brown and black might be on the cards for it.





Lastly, but by no means least, is my newest acquisition, a Roxey Mouldings LBSCR A1/A1X terrier 0-6-0T. At the moment I've got the chassis 70% finished, just need to add the other set of side rods and brake gear plus pickups. The body hasn't been started really other than to place it on the chassis to make sure everything fits - it does!

I have a feeling that this one will end up as Stepney the Bluebell engine - a perfect companion for Toby the tram engine I think.







I've also found the time to give the Furness Railway brake van a repaint into a more appropriate shade of grey - I think it looks much better now and is only awaiting lettering and a bit of weathering.






I have another project which I'm hoping to start soon - this is going to be a scratchbuilt model of a Furness Railway K2 Large Seagull 4-4-0 locomotive - but with a few modifications to resemble a little known member of the class - I have a set of drawings courtesy of the Cumbrian Railways association, and I think I've worked out all the parts I need - just need to buy them now.


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Neil


Good to see the 48DS under construction. Much better to see it started than just sitting in my unbuilt kit pile.



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Hi there. Just joined RMWeb and found your blog. Any updates?


What prompted my reply was the mystery plastic bodied Y6. I think it might be a Highfield models kit. Way back in the late 70s I had their catalogue and seem to remember a Y6 kit. Their kits were very basic sets of vacuum formings in a gingery brown styrene sheet. Pretty much sides and ends, with a flat sheet to form for the roof. I had a brake van (possibly NE but I can't remember) which was built around a Triang 16T mineral chassis, and a pair of Midland non-corridor coaches built on cut-down Triang coach underframes and bogies. Yes, I know, coil sprung bogies on vintage stock. In my defence I'll point out that I was 12 at the time and so less discerning than I am now. Anyhow, the body of your Y6 has the air of Highfield's vacuum forming.

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