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Mk1 coach in G



Okay so I have realised I am not very good at this sitting and thinking about things lark, so decided just to get on with my next project despite all my concerns about whether it would work !!!


After checking stock levels I found I had 5 sheets of 60 thou plasticard so that seemed a good place to start. When the rest of the country sat down to watch England get beat this afternoon I set to work in the shed. and here is how I got on.


I couldn't work out how to support the shape of the sides as they are obviously not flat ! A look at a few prototype pictures and I realised there were dividers or bulkheads :) that was the spur I needed.


Step 1 was a rigid base, double thickness of 60thou on the base with side to stiffen and ribs where the bulkheads go.




Then a bit of cutting to make the bulkheads using an scan of a book diagram enlarged to my chosen scale and drawn round. Once I had got one bulkhead right it was just a case of scribing round it several times.


The plan is to make each window pair either side of the doors as a single unit the doors will be separate too. then they will be stuck together. I have stuck one side unit on just to get my head round what I am doing.








This next one gives an indication of size, the path is made from 2' flagstones..




Probably the biggest single model I have made to date !


Looking at the way the windows sit on the side I'm assuming they are not made from curved glass panes so the frames the glass sits in must take up the body work curvature to to allow flat glass ?


Thoughts comment advice always welcome..




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  • RMweb Premium

On the real thing John, the bodyside panels either side of the bodylight were stamped with a flat section about an inch wide over it's height allowing the (flat) glass to sit on a flat portion of the curved bodyside! Not something you could create in plasticard I suspect unless you could create a tool for the job.




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