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Return of the Modelling Mojo

2mm Andy




Apart from spending a few days helping on the 2mm Scale Association stand at exhibitions, I've not done any serious modelling for over six months, and not had any enthusiasm for doing any either. My abortive 2mm Golden Jubilee Layout Challenge entry has been sitting unloved and gathering dust in the spare room, and I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get things moving again, but a day at the recent DEMU Showcase seems to have done the trick, and in a slightly unexpected way.


I started off in 2mm scale about 6 or 7 years ago, with the aim of modelling a portion of the North Eastern Railway circa WW1. Eventually the constant flow of tasty kits and parts for BR-era models persuaded me that I perhaps I should move forwards in time 40-odd years to take advantage of these. Now I'm finding that the early British Rail period is becoming more and more interesting!


So now I've started work on a small shunting plank/diorama. The base is an 80cm long 'floating' shelf from a well known high street DIY chain. Whilst browsing a few months ago I noticed that these were on special offer, and thinking that one would make a nice base for a small layout, I bought a gloss black one. The shelf will form a display base, with the actual baseboard sitting on top of it. This will allow me to make all the wiring accessible yet be tucked out of sight.


Over the last few evenings I've learned the basics of Templot and come up with a track plan.




It's a bit rough around the edges, but having printed it out full size and played trains on it, I think it works OK. The templot plan shows the scenic area only - both tracks on the left hand side will lead through a scenic break to a cassette fiddle yard, which will act as the other half of the run-round loop. The headshunt is bottom right with a siding top right.




Scenery-wise, I haven't yet decided exactly what will be happening. I'm a big fan of Neil Rushby's modelling, particularly his Shell Island and Abergwynant layouts (which very have similar track plans to my little shunting plank), but rather than create a model of someone else's model, I'd like to try and base it on a prototype. As you can see from the photos, the blue Farish Class 24 will be the mainstay of the stock, and a small selection of minerals and ballast hoppers will for the majority of the freight stock, so a small quarry branchline in Mid/North Wales seems likely - shades of the Blodwell Quarry branch perhaps?


The next stage is to build the timber framework supporting the trackbase (which will be fixed to the shelf), then it will be time to lay some track (Easitrac of course!). With the 2mm GJ Expo coming up soon which will give me a good dose of inspiration (and probably some more kits and bits to build!), and the long summer evenings, I hope to make reasonable progress and post occasional updates on here (although I'm by no means a fast modeller).





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I didn't know that you needed a controller to play push-alongs on a paper plan ;)


I'm glad that you have found something to be getting along with again. Will the other layout get finished now, or is it destined for the dump?

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Hi Richard,





I put the controller on the board to see if it would fit alongside the cassettes - having done that, I don't think that there is enough room, so it will have to site on the table behind the layout (which isn't a big problem).


I do have plans to finish the ex-GJ layout at some point - I'm hoping that being able to work on the shunting plank will rekindle some more enthusiasm for it soon. At the moment it's a useful place to dump all my part-finished wagon projects.





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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Andy,


Nice one - looks to be an interesting project and I look forward to more updates - much fun can be had on small layouts shuffling wagons back and forth - I also recognise the importance of a small scale project to get back enthusiasm for bigger plans - it worked for me anyway ;)


What sort of train length can you get on your cassettes(s)?

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Hello Andy smile.gif


It nice to see you are modelling again. I do like the idea of using that shelf for a base though. You can almost add the layout on a little plinth sat ontop of it. I think Mark F was doing something similar too where the layout sat ontop of some plain black square baseboards. Its certianly got my imagination flowing now for sure.


I am certianly appreciating these little layouts right now as Highclere is getting ever bigger!


I am looking forward to seeing you at the Expo.


Missy smile.gif

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Wow! Thanks everyone for the kind comments and encouragement.smile.gif


Hi Pete,


The cassettes will be between 250mm and 300mm long, which will allow me to hold a 2 car DMU or a class 24, two wagons and a brake van. If they overhang the end of the shelf a bit then it won't matter too much.


Hi Missy,


When the layout is finished I will perhaps display it on the 2mm stand at exhibitions if we have the space. I look forward to being able to tuck the layout under my arm and walk out the exhibition 5 minutes after closing time!


I'm certainly looking forward to the Expo, having spent this evening helping to fold and staple the show guides! There was a time last week when I wasn't sure if I'd make it due to work, but I found a willing volunteer to cover my night shift, so all is well again!


Hi Bryn,


Thanks - no pressure then!wink.gif



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Andy,


Like the others have said, I'm looking forwards to seeing this layout progress.


Be good to see some fots of the track being built as well having just joined the 2mm SA.


All the best with this project.





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Hi Mark,


Welcome to the 2mm SA!


I'll try and take plenty of photos of the trackwork - the Easitrac system is fairly simple to use, and there are some good articles in recent issues of the 2mm SA magazine and on the website. The 2mm beginners guide is also in the early stages of an update to include Easitrac.



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