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The story so far...



The initial plan was: Kingsbridge terminus plus some single line scenic sections in a modular system to enable me to alter the running length. Later put in more scenic sections and the passing station.

Period to be wartime as this had the most interest for operating and as an escaped wargamer I could still put in a few tanks.


to summarise about 6 weeks of frantic activity-

I found out how expensive it was going to be! All purchases would have to be carefully planned and I'd have to stop any impulse buying.

I discovered how not to build baseboards, then improved my methods and raided some skips/tip (with permission!) and got a bit better- see pictures.

I read alot of books, ditto looking at pictures.

I hacked around a lot of different materials and turned the workshop a vaiety of different colours.


The first two boards, the station throat and the termus board. Note blue sundela that I got free as it was being thrown out!



This is the view I was looking for.




this was the boards without the scenic base on.


Scenic base going on board 2 with plaster done on 1.


This is the area around the end of the 2nd/3rd board




More to come at the weekend when I can get some more pictures. Rolling stock has also been started.


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