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GNER's Badger - Part 4



I've finally managed to crack on with some work on the badger this week. I'm now happier with the profile of the cab end, and I've also started work on the roof panels. They're more or less done, though there is still detailing to be done on the pantgograph well, and hinges to be added from microstrip across the whole roof. I've also filed back the class 58 chassis to fit the body, so I can finally post some shots of it on the track, posed with a couple of Mk4s and a DVT. The Intercity DVT is one im in the process of updating with a wifi dome before respraying into GNER colours also.


I refilled the groove on the right-hand side of the cab picture and recut it and am now much happier with the results. There is still some finishing to be done on the horizontal slot and the bufferbeam, but I'm getting happier with the overall appearance. So, enough waffling from me:












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Hi alcazar - yes it is sitting high at the moment as this was just the first pass at the chassis. It's a snug push-fit at the mo. There'll be another mm or so to take off the chassis so the body will drop further, and some plasticard to fix inside the bodyshell to get it sitting at the right height. The photos seem to exaggerate the problem though, having checked with a ruler and spirit level, it seems to be about 1-2mm higher than it should be.

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Photos never lie.........yeah, right! Spirit levels, however, definitley do not.


Enjoying this thread immensely.

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