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(4) Evolution



Version one of the layout wasn't the answer, as described in previous entries. What to do?


 Wantage is a good prototype to base my imaginary world on; a perfect stage for an eclectic range of locos and other stock. A few tweaks might be all that was needed. No longer being tied by the rules of the 2mm Scale Association's Diamond Jubilee Layout Competition was another thing to consider. I didn't want a layout any larger than it had to be, but a slight increase in dimensions might have a number of advantages.


I started my quest for 'Mark Two' by looking at old maps of Wantage. I had based my original track plan very roughly on the early maps - 1898 and slightly later. Comparing these with the 1937 map shows that there were slight alterations over time.




To the right of the word 'Terminus', for example, the point looks longer, with the tie-bar in a noticeably different position. Also, the loop looks wider and slightly longer. Looking at photographs, this possibly happened some time in the 1930s, just before the 1937 map was surveyed.


I also re-read the history of the line. A link was once proposed from the terminus to the mill, later served by the Lower Yard branch. The original idea was to route a line along the public road. This would have turned right just outside the station entrance and gone steeply down Mill Street, as very roughly shown by the blue line below.




I don't know if it was ever considered, but to my eye the orange line would have offered a more practicable option than the blue route, free from the problems of running along a narrow public street. The line would have had a steepish gradient on the real thing, having to drop around 20 feet in a short distance. I am not making an exact model of Wantage though, so the topography- or even the purpose of the line - can be different on my model.


Such an addition would offer a number of advantages over my original trackplan.


1. I could develop an 'L' shaped layout. Public and operating views of the layout could be along 2 sides, instead of just a very narrow window.

2. The new line could help solve the shunting problems with the sidings (more later).

3. An 'L' shaped layout would be more stable than the very narrow longitudinal layout I had previously built.


On the real thing, it would have split the coal wharf in two, but any issues would have been overcome, I am sure.


This is what I eventually came up with...





The curve into the station has been exaggerated slightly to widen and lengthen the loop. All buildings can still remain where they were on the prototype though. I used a Barry Slip to link the new line to the upper sidings and a possible extra siding for a turntable at top left. The Barry Slip is a name for 2 opposing points that overlap each other. I did consider a double slip, but thought that unlikely on such a railway. I can now operate the sidings easily with a locomotive, which is a big plus. The turntable would be useful for small railcars, which might use my hypothetical version of the line.


Here is a comparison between the old and the new designs, old one at the bottom. I have not drawn fiddle yards in the new design. This aspect of the layout still requires a reappraisal.



The whole of the scenic area will still fit on a single baseboard, this time 3ft 6in long and almost 2ft wide at its greatest extent in 2mm scale. Indeed, I did consider building the layout to 4mm scale, especially with all the nice steam shunters now, or soon to be available. 2mm scale suits me best though!


The viewing area must logically be on the outside of the 'L', with the operating side on the inside - opposite sides to the original layout. I see no obvious reason why this should not work, especially as spectators will now be able to get an end-on view of the layout, as well as a side view.


So that is where I am at - pleased with progress and currently spending time thinking about it before I commit to construction.

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