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(2) Getting Board



I described the decision to use Wantage as a basis for my imaginary location in the first instalment. Following this, I developed plans for the scenic section and fiddle yard baseboards. This included a hidden siding beyond the platform on a small additional board, to add a bit of operating flexibility. 




Construction proceeded well to begin with. I quickly built the main baseboard, a small and basic rectangle. This shot was taken after the track was laid.




Slightly more of a challenge was the fiddle yard, which combined a sector plate and sidings. The layout was only ever intended for short trains.




Here is an underside view, showing the complex construction of the baseboard. The curved left hand section and rectangular right hand section were built separately and slid together during final construction.




With the addition of the other end, the completed baseboards looked like this, when assembled.  Notice also the fixed control panel and a small turntable in the fiddle yard, a late addition to the design. This view is from the operating side.




I had split the design into 3 boards to allow for possible expansion of the scenic area in the future. In practice, making the whole thing as one board would have been perfectly practicable from a purely size and weight perspective.


Here is the view from the viewing side...




More in the next instalment.




Edited by Burghmirer

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah, found this post now. Nice work on the baseboards. Sad to think it didn't work out.

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