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The sun set on my last model railway project a couple of years ago. Nice idea, but seriously flawed in a few, very critical ways.


Lots of thought has gone into what went wrong. Overall, it seems to be the best way forward for me. Alternative ideas for a layout never gelled properly; always too big, too complicated, too much like everyone else's layouts. How could I turn a croc into something I was happy with?


Here's the original idea...



It was based on Wantage. This was as pretty much as diminutive as a prototype station could ever be. I designed it to comply with the rules of the 2mm Scale Association's Diamond Jubilee Challenge. This restricted the scenic area to no more than 2ft by 9.42 inches - the area covered by the orange box above.


I shall discuss the problems with the original concept and ideas for improvement in future entries.  Only time will tell if I can succeed.


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