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Continuing the build



With the scenic section built I needed an off scene area for trains to run to which would enable running of the layout. The off scene section needed to be small enough not to take up too much room on my work bench but large enough to provide enough interest in running, I added a section which routed to 3 sidings along my work bench and terminated at the far end. In time I would construct an off scene section if I was ever lucky enough to the layout to an exhibition but for now this would enable me to run the layout.  I purchased a depot building from Railway Laser Lines and my first Heljan class 60. With the track in place and wiring completed I started painting the rails in preparation of starting the scenic work. As is always the case additional loco's were purchased without being able to run them yet and I began the installation of ESU Loksound V5 L decoders into them. with the decoders installed I was finally able to test the layout and create the iTrain layout and the programming of this. With the testing complete additional items of buildings, steps and walling was purchased to start building the depot and plan its layout. I opted for a brown ballast to provide a dated feel to the depot which I planned to make it look like areas had been recently updated so there was a bit of a contrast. 









Edited by Tommyp81

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