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Station platforms - December 2008



The main through platforms on Coketown were designed for about 8 Mk3 coaches and a loco or 7 coaches and a pair of HSTs. At the time I was building the platforms we had various Farish and Dapol locos and the basic Farish Mk3 coaches. Dapol had produced the Super Voyager and the HST. At the time there must have been some hope that eventually someone would produce a Pendolino but Ben and Mike's Kickstarter was still 6 years away.


The core of the platforms was solid balsa. This was so that any lamp standards or other pieces of furniture planted into them had a solid base. The sides were Peco platform siding. Since I had the idea that long curving platforms would look great (ouch) all of the Peco platform sides had to be notched and carefully bent so that they followed the curve in the track. The main part of the station had brick sides and then the ends of the platform had concrete sides as if they had been extended at some point.



The platform surface was then plasticard.




Paper was used to make patterns for the various curved platform surface pieces.






Platform ends just finished with gaps knowing that the ballast would fill the holes.




The finished platforms were needed to be able to ballast the main lines through the station. The bay platform nearest the camera just had the platform side put in place because I had no idea how deep the platform would be or what the station would look like. At this point the two DC controllers tell me that I still had plans for the layout to be fully DC and with a large control panel. I had already rewired the layout once to use 25 way D-type connectors rather than the unreliable Scart connectors and now I had reached the point of needing to build the control panels my interest waned.


It was going to be a few years before work carried on.



Edited by davepallant


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