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More Fiddle Yard - February 2008



Here's a close-up of one of the board joints on the fiddle yard. PCB strip glued and screwed down, copper strip cut between the rails and then the track laid across the joint and soldered down both sides. Plenty of copper to solder the dropper wires to as well.




The third section of fiddle yard is set up and the track laid across that joint.






The layout (as planned) is filling the room so difficult to work on the whole thing at the same time. Here's a photo of the layout so far with only the second end board missing.




The main front board and the backboards have a two inch gap between them for something something backscene. Having two foot wide front baords makes handling the layout so much easier but it does mean there are three narrow fiddle yard boards to put up separately when assembling the layout. In the end the fiddle yard boards box up together with their associated front boards to make three relatively handleable boxes. Not sure if I might go for three foot deep boards including the fiddle yard next time but that would then make transport that much more difficult.



Edited by davepallant

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Hello Dave Pallant, and others, 1 / I am really impressed with your Fiddle Yard design.By having the Running Lines located between the Up and Down Yards you have ended up with a long lead & head shunt  for each Yard, which, in my opinion, is definite improvement operationally, in that it allows for a re marshalling of a train within the Yard without affecting the running line.

2 / I also like the smooth flow of trackage on the front main board. Nice gentle curves make the layout appear longer than it actually is. Also very impressive. Best wishes and regards from Australia. 

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Thanks for your comments! I had not thought of setting up the two long central lines as running lines for the up and down and I have ended up with what is effectively a double slip at each end of the double lines. In effect my point control means that both lines together can only be assigned to one of the operators at a time rather than dedicating one to each direction.

However most of the sidings up and down usually only have one train in them so continuous running in both directions can be done by selecting one of the sidings and leave the trains running through their sidings. Here's the track diagram which I didn't put into the blog earlier.



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