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Beginning the fiddle yard. January 2008



Again, I have to stress that I would always build all of the boards of a layout and always lay track across the board joints. Once the track is down and ballasted it can be cut with a disc. Here I'm lining up track from the front section onto the end board of the layout which will be hidden under a hill. The end curves are setrack to ease laying the track and to make the joints more stable.




The joints on the other end of the end board where it joins the fiddle yard are mounted on pcb material. The copper can be cut between the rails and tracks and this gives a very strong method of mounting the ends of the rails. I've ended up using a mix of code 55 and code 70 points and fleixtrack in the fiddle yard so various places have a bit of card under track to get the same level.







The fiddle yard is set up with 6 tracks in each direction and then two very long reversible tracks down the centre. I'm not sure how I was going to section the long tracks since at this point I was still intending the layout to be DC with control of the solenoid point motors from pairs of push buttons on a panel.





Edited by davepallant


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