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Track laying begins. February 2005



To transfer the layout onto the baseboard the track plan was printed out full size on A3 paper. Then the paper was put on the baseboards and pierced through to mark the centre of each track. This had to be done several times as the cork covers up the first set of markings andso they have to made again on top of the cork.




Markings for roads and the canal could be transferred onto the baseboards at the same time.




Cork was laid where the track was going to go with bigger areas of cork for the yard and sidings. On the long curving run into the station I put some superelevation by building up the cork for each line with strips of card underneath one side.





Once the cork was down the track centres were transferred again and track laid. Mainline is concrete and the yard and sidings are wood sleepers. Here I must have been thinking about which point motors to use!







Edited by davepallant

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