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Barton St David - The Next Steps

Hi folks, I realise my blog has been a little dead for quite some time now. I've been dabbling in other ways of sharing my modelling projects, but some platforms have rather deteriorated if you catch my drift! 

It's time to lay out the plans for Barton St David and its future. The layout was started in about 2019, occupying just 12' by 16''. Since then, they layout has undergone the following expansions:

1) 3' storage yard extension to accommodate longer trains

2) Extension of the two station/goods yard boards to 20'' wide

3) Extension of the main scenic section to include carriage sidings, loco shed, and surrounding scenery - taking the overall layout footprint to 21' by 20''.

It was in this form that I have enjoyed exhibitions the most - the amount of space created on the layout meant that I was always able to have a few trains visible or in action at any one time. 

Now, however, phase 4 of the layout construction has began. As generic as it seems, I've always wanted to take the layout round a corner and over a viaduct - BUT, not only will it somewhat increase the layout footprint (Ok, maybe quite substantially!) but it should provide a good scenic break now I am more or less done with the railway-focused part of the layout. 

The extension in question runs for about 7' by 7' in an L shape, and will be featuring a banked, sweeping curve which will fill the gap between the existing cutting board, and storage yard.


The next three boards seen in the above image. All three have been dropped by 25mm so I have the opportunity to really build up the landscape. I've run out of space to set everything up in my workshop. so the patio will have to do during the summer season!


And above, an image taken just last weekend is the slowly developing elevated trackbed. The viaduct will occupy the centre of the three boards (in grey) - and will be a similar height to the example in Truro. At the moment, it is very much a case of ensuring the trackbed remains level, though with a slight camber inwards, and most importantly matches up with the boards it'll sit inbetween. It's a slow process but I plan on getting this right.


Another view of the developing extension. On top of the trackbed is my work-in-progress GWR Diagram H33 dining composite, subject of another entry once sufficient progress has been made. 

Hopefully if I can keep up regular updates, some of you may be interested in following the project along as it'll certainly be one full of triumphs, HUGE mistakes, and moments of deep regret!

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  • RMweb Gold

Nice to see an update on this. I for one am certainly interested in following progress. 


The new curve looks very good. For a moment I thought you were extending into the garden! 🙂 

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