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Interior design - too



Since discovering TFMP's camera has a macro mode, I've managed to take some decent photos of the completed engine room bulkheads.


No 1 end



No 2 End


Again, working from photos I've added grime washes with gouache and used powders sparingly. Looking at the photos I've found of 37 cabs, the engine room bulkheads don't seem to get as grubby as the nose.


Just the cab interior to weather now, then I can crack on with installing the other cab fittings and get the other nose bulkhead completed. I'm going to try and make some track circuit clips to fit on the brackets - it may prove a bit tricky to do convincingly, but there's no harm in giving it a go!


The painted flags look a bit naff close up (the out of focus pictures from my camera helped disguise that!), but in the context of the finished loco should look OK. It'll be quite had to see most of this detail anyway, but at least I know it's there! The cab lights should help a bit though.


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Incredible - this is fantastic work Martin! The subtle washes have brought out the detail and they look very realistic indeed. Just how much of this will be visible on the finished model?

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Thanks James B)


Only what you can see through the cab windows will be visible, so in some respects much of this is a little pointless! That's partly the reason that I haven't gone to the length of representing every piece of pipework at the top of these bulkheads.

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