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Assembly of Office, Mess & Store



Time to put the building together...


Here are the front and side elevations in their painted state with the glazing and doors added.{non available for the end elevation - I must contact the supplier}






The internal structure is made from 2mm mdf, slotted together and glued. I have given the viewable internal walls a coat of grey primer.




The corners of the walls are mitred together at 45 deg... here is a shot especiall for Missy - to show the corner joint.




The roof sub structure ties the whole building together using the laser cut tabs shown in the photos. I will add the final roof structure using 20 thou plasticard before adding the tiles. The kit provides several sheets of laser cut tiles made from adhesive paper. I have not used this method before, having constucted prevoious buildings individual tiles made from 5 thou plasticard. I will report later on progress with the roof and tiling.




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Oops, sorry for missing out the glazing and end doors for the offices! I will check the drawings and get them in the post today. The roof tiles go on very easily, but as a tip if you mark out horizontal lines on the roof first it makes getting the tiles on straight much easier!


It's all looking amazing, is there any chance you could bring some of it to Watford finscale so I can see it in person?





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Oops, sorry for missing out the glazing and end doors for the offices! I will check the drawings and get them in the post today. The roof tiles go on very easily, but as a tip if you mark out horizontal lines on the roof first it makes getting the tiles on straight much easier!


It's all looking amazing, is there any chance you could bring some of it to Watford finscale so I can see it in person?






Hi Chris,


Don't worried about the glazing as I had some in stock and it is fixed in position. Yes please to the doors though.


I will bring both buildings to Watford as they should be finished by then.


I am just in the process of arranging to take part of the layout to Scaleforum as a demo - it is my intention to take 2 boards, one with the roundhouse and the adjoining one with yard in front of the shed , so all the buildings will be on show complete or otherwise.





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