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The cattle dock build continues...


A concrete 'apron' was created out of some mount card painted a concrete kind of colour. This was then simply stuck to the outside edge of the track, sloping slightly away to allow for drainage. Care was taken to ensure it didn't foul any wheels and that it sat just below rail height so the rail heads could still be cleaned. Constant testing with a spare wagon is essential.






A buffer stop was made out of some coffee stirrers painted white and red, then weathered slightly with a dirty acrylic wash. The concreate apron was also weathered in the same way but the camera hasn't really picked it up.




With all posts and rails added and secured, I took the final leap of faith and glued the whole assembly in place. A final piece of plastikard was cut to finish off the landing area of the dock. This will be painted and weathered in time, much of the area behind the buffer stop will likely be bushes and weeds.








Water troughs were added. These came from the Langley Models range and just required painting. I added a thin layer of realistic water too. I may top this up in future; the poor animals haven't got a lot to drink!




Finally, two SR cattle wagons were offered up and (thankfully) they still lined up perfectly with the gates, phew. Looks like it's good to go!


All for now,


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  • Craftsmanship/clever 2


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  • RMweb Gold

That looks good, the cattle dock is neatly done. Funny how much difference small details can make, the drain in the middle and the troughs bring it to life.

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Any more progress, @Jonathan? Hawkhurst has been a long time favourite of mine, my family hailing from that town - I also had the idea of using the buildings as a basis for a fictional station!

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