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Oxford Diecast 1/76th Land Rover Series 1. Step 3 - Pigment Application 1.

Mick Bonwick


Now for the pigment application. Gloss paint and shiny plastic will not take pigment, it just slides off. My approach is to apply a layer of something that will give a matt surface for the pigment to 'grip'. My preference is Testor's Dullcote, and that is because it works, it is consistent in its form and application, and I have plenty of it. There are many matt varnishes that will do the job, though, so if you have a favourite there is no reason not to use it.


The Land Rover has had a layer of Testor's Dullcote applied and the sharp-eyed amongst you may notice that the windows are covered as well. I have found that wet, damp or dried Dullcote can be removed from the glazing of many models by wiping and rubbing gently with white spirit. I therefore don't mask glazing before applying the matt covering, just wipe it off after I am happy with the rest of the finish. If you use other varnishes to obtain your matt finish this may not be feasible, of course.


My favoured method of applying pigments is covered elsewhere in this blog, so I won't repeat it here. The canvas tilt is my first objective on this model, and the first layer has been applied:







By only applying thin layers at a time, the effect that you require can be gradually built up. It is much easier to add more than to take away excess.



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