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19. The motor-car appears.



It is a Summer Monday morning, and the staff and traders arrive at East Yard with varying degrees of enthusiasm.  Mr Hunt the coal merchant is looking forward to the sound of his coal loader, compared to the noise at home of the grand-children all day yester-day which left him with a head-ache and needing an early night.  However, the family lunch had been excellent, and at least the little 'darlings' ("So spirited!") had given his Austin a good clean beforehand.  Not that this has made up for the football through the greenhouse a few months ago...







In contrast, Mr Lacey is in a joyous mood, having taken delivery of his new Rover P6.  A life-time's humouring of his Great Aunt Evadne, or, "Evadne Juliette Philadelphia Ochterlony de Lacey" as she had been at her funeral a few months ago, had paid off with her remembering 'Young Roger' in her will.


Having died at the age of 92, now-not-so-young Roger had heard, several times and in increasingly lurid detail after one-too-many Pernods, Great Aunt Evadne's tales of the distressing loss of her husband in the Boer War - she would never take a glass of Constantia again! - and moving to Paris.  Enjoying a string of admirers amongst the fashionable 'fast set' despite her widow's weeds and bustle, she retired to England twenty years ago with her recipe book and love of French wines.


How she had lived so long no-one in the family could understand, but Mr Lacey was starting to wish he had written down some of those fire-side stories of fin de siecle Paris and the Left Bank.  He pondered buying a bottle of Pernod on the way home, to raise a glass to Great Aunt Evadne after dinner.











Edited by C126
Replace first photograph.

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Love the split-level feature, are you going to let elf n safety fence it off?  My inner six year old - who thrives on disaster and destruction - would leave it as it is. :diablo_mini:


There is a saloon bar at Dent-de-Lion station, it's window is dangerously close to the buffers to satisfy this appetite!!!! (I think there was a scene in one of the "Airport" films where the jumbo crashes into the terminal building....)16160848779779049997924433216586.jpg.5b69e51b65f68eb3aefd6b7403c25cae.jpg


I love the little backstory though, I really must get mine down on paper!  Keep up the good work. 

Edited by Ray Von
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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks as always for your kind words.  I need to work out a few tales of the shunter and Yard Foreman's cars, but the creative spirit has left me for the day now.  The viaduct level is the next phase of the project, to which I am not looking forward: painting and gluing eight arches to the sides, track laying (which I have yet to buy), and wrestling with brick sheet, let alone trying to stop it all cracking when I lift the assembly off.  I also need to make up a couple of four-foot 'casettes', as access to the feeder track is not as easy as planned.


However, I must keep reminding myself this is a long term  project.  Next is the purchase of figures, and wondering how to make it all look less 'smooth'.  I need some grass and foliage as well.  Best wishes.

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That looks good so far.

I like the low angle photos, layouts nearly always look better seen from that angle.


I know what you mean about making the yard less 'smooth', there is lots of 'stuff'

you can have scattered around. As your yard has remained busy until now

I would perhaps keep the grass and foliage to the less used corners of the yard.

I know grass will quickly take over given the chance, but looking through a few of my old photos

there was not much greenery in the main part of the busy yards in the early  1980s.


Bristol Lawrence Hill Yard 22/4/81,






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