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Kyle - Stafford show 2019...



Evening all,


A debrief from the excellent Stafford show of last weekend. I did draft up the post last week but as I was getting used to the new software I managed to delete the entry just as I was about to post it :no: :angry: Start again, fresh eyes...


As previous entries have described, I decided to replace the two turnouts to try and improve running as they were built almost 10 years ago. This turned out to include other remedials and more than I had anticipated in the last few months. The two turnouts were laid, tested, painted and ballasted. I had removed the front fascia to make access easier and the backscene, ramp and bridge was also removed as part of the upgrade. I had printed three backscenes originally so had two spare - the previous one was removed to reveal the curved vinyl sheet I had found in our studio - I had forgotten it had a gold outer side so it made for an interesting in progress shot ;) I then applied the backscene and the two new fascia pieces laser previously cut from 3mm plywood. Whilst I was at it, I decided to upgrade and simplify the operators side fascia. This has removed the redundant switches from the DC operation and now has just the two turnouts and the five uncoupling slots. The fascia was cut from 1mm veneer and the trackplan and slots formed using a sharp scalpel, changing the blade regularly. To achieve the red effect it is mounted onto a sheet of stout red card from our studio. Finally the fascia was repainted and the lettering reapplied. 


So all all set to go but the weekend before revealed some inconsistencies with the two turnouts which was still there Friday morning 3 hours before I was due to leave for Stafford :swoon: My thanks are due to Mark F (2mm Mark of this Parish) who kindly came to help resolve it...By various tests with my meter and probing Mark found the station turnout had a dead frog feed and both switches to operate the turnouts were dead :mellow: Knowing was there little time to replace them we set upon a temporary lash up to get me through the weekend, with two new switches hanging out the backscene to change polarity and the old switches disconnected but used for changing the point throw only. Shortly after I was on my way to Stafford, arriving to set up the Friday evening - have never been to a show where you can back up your car virtually to your exhibition space :good: Was also extremely honoured that Kylie (as Mr Yorke refered to it ;)) was depicted on the front of the show catalogue - many thanks Colin.


The layout performed well at the show, bar some loco failures (prompting a bit of an overlap between time periods) and I have a few things for the to do list. I received a lot of nice comments on the layout, a lot of people surprised how small it was...one commented the picture on the catalogue was bigger :D 


My thanks are due to Bryn, Andy H and David L all of this parish for helping out some periods allowing me to get some breaks as well as see the show. A lot of nice layouts, it was great to see some old faces and meet some new ones. I also trialled the new Kylie T-shirt (when temps changed from early morning cold to very busy hot) which Mark B (46444) joked that I should produce...it has the current Kylie tour dates on the back...the layout just needs some roadies now :laugh:


Here are a few pictures showing some progress as well as the layout at the show. 


As always, comments are welcome...




































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  • RMweb Gold

It was a pleasure to meet you and Kylie at Stafford Pete, 


She was performing flawlessly when I was watching and you've got me thinking about sound conversions now!


I like the T-shirt.

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Argos said:

It was a pleasure to meet you and Kylie at Stafford Pete, 


She was performing flawlessly when I was watching and you've got me thinking about sound conversions now!


I like the T-shirt.


Many thanks Argos and it was a pleasure to meet/talk with you too.


The switches should be replaced in the next couple of weeks and I need to tweak a rail alignment into the quay siding...a few locos need a look at too!

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  • RMweb Premium

Many thanks for the nice comments about our Stafford Exhibition and I really pleased you enjoyed the weekend 


Eltel   (Terry)


Exhibition Team 

Stafford Railway Circle 

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Glad the show went well Pete. Good to hear about your last minute workarounds - whatever is needed to keep the show on the road.

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, nick_bastable said:

looking good I really must get some mojo going and do something




Many thanks Nick...


2 hours ago, ELTEL said:

Many thanks for the nice comments about our Stafford Exhibition and I really pleased you enjoyed the weekend 


Eltel   (Terry)


Exhibition Team 

Stafford Railway Circle 


Many thanks again for all the hospitality Terry...


47 minutes ago, D869 said:

Glad the show went well Pete. Good to hear about your last minute workarounds - whatever is needed to keep the show on the road.


Many thanks Andy - especially for the UK tour... ;)



Edited by bcnPete
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  • RMweb Gold

Ooooh, a T-shirt!  I bet people seeing it from the back will go home and Google the famous rock band Kyle of Lochalsh :D


The layout looks good. I like the front lit shots, as they show up detail I hadn't noticed before. But I can see how that won't work so well normally, you don't want to light up the backscene too much.

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  • RMweb Gold

Looks like it all came together in the end Pete and you had good show.  Cracking photos and glad Kylie was well received and ran well. Think the MILW F Unit looked good by the way! :D 


Think you better get a suit case full of tour t-shirts printed for the next show... ;) 



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  • RMweb Premium

Even with the amount of compression you've had to do, that is instantly reconnisable as a place on my way to school, 1971-75..


Wonderful modelling..

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  • RMweb Gold

Pleased it worked out well. That moment when a loco steadily & smoothly ran in after we'd resoldered the crossing and rewired the switches was very satisfying.




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Lovely stuff Pete. It goes without saying but, as ever, your presentation and design is superb. Glad the show was successful. 

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  • RMweb Gold
17 hours ago, Mikkel said:

Ooooh, a T-shirt!  I bet people seeing it from the back will go home and Google the famous rock band Kyle of Lochalsh :D


The layout looks good. I like the front lit shots, as they show up detail I hadn't noticed before. But I can see how that won't work so well normally, you don't want to light up the backscene too much.


Many thanks Mikkel :D


Yes the backscene works better muted...


14 hours ago, 46444 said:

Looks like it all came together in the end Pete and you had good show.  Cracking photos and glad Kylie was well received and ran well. Think the MILW F Unit looked good by the way! :D 


Think you better get a suit case full of tour t-shirts printed for the next show... ;) 




Many thanks Mark - yep there were a few interlopers seen at Kylie t the ends of the day which will make an appearance somewhere soon ;)


13 hours ago, Ian Morgan said:

It looked a treat Pete, and even attracted a time-travelling visitor




Many thanks Ian - you need to get a sound chip in that...:biggrin_mini:


13 hours ago, TheQ said:

Even with the amount of compression you've had to do, that is instantly reconnisable as a place on my way to school, 1971-75..


Wonderful modelling..


Many thanks TheQ - Ihope it stirred some nice memories for you...


13 hours ago, 2mmMark said:

Pleased it worked out well. That moment when a loco steadily & smoothly ran in after we'd resoldered the crossing and rewired the switches was very satisfying.





Thanks again for your help Mark - did you notice the sweat dripping off me as the clock ticked against time...:D


11 hours ago, south_tyne said:

Lovely stuff Pete. It goes without saying but, as ever, your presentation and design is superb. Glad the show was successful. 


Many thanks also for your kind comments South Tyne...

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Great to see you again at the show Pete, and nice to finally see the brilliant Kyle in the flesh. Loving the sound chipped 37, really was atmospheric seeing it creeping in to the station.


best regards,





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  • RMweb Gold
10 hours ago, cornish trains jez said:

Great to see you again at the show Pete, and nice to finally see the brilliant Kyle in the flesh. Loving the sound chipped 37, really was atmospheric seeing it creeping in to the station.


best regards,






Many thanks Jez - good to see you again too.


You mean you haven’t ordered a 37 sound chip since? :D

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