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The Layout in use.

Ray Von


With eight tracks on the traverser, and space for a ninth, the potential for a wide range of combinations of rolling-stock and loco's is great.


The traversing tracks match the length of those of the station platforms on the scenic side of the layout (about four coaches plus a Loco.)
However, a longer rake could easily be made by joining additional coaches from the traverser to the rear of an existing one. Allowing for yet more variety of rail traffic.


Operating the layout is simple, it consists of an Up line and a Down line - each with its own On / Off switch. Both lines are governed by a single gaugemaster controller.


The most basic operating scenario would be: Train "A" leaves the traverser and proceeds on the Up line to the station and stops. Next Train "B" leaves the traverser on the Down line to the station, upon Train "B's" arrival Train "A" departs.


You could imagine that Train "A" was waiting at the station for Train "B" to clear a junction on the line ahead before proceeding on its way.


With all the additional lines on the traverser and the various kinds rolling stock, it is not difficult to then build on this template to a more complex pattern - utilising whichever traffic you fancy, set to your own timetable.


From the operative point of view, the above scenario is about as simple as it gets:
Train "A" (on the second track in) on the traverser, occupies the Up line. The Up line switch is set to "On" and the controller flicked to the direction of the Up line and the acceleration dial turned. Train "A" reaches the station, slows and stops - the Up line switch is set to "Off." The process is repeated for Train "B" on the Down line (which in this case is on the first track on the traverser.)
Train "A" is then bought back to the traverser.


Prior to this you could, if you wished, slide the traverser out and allocate a different vacant section of track to Train "A" - allowing Train "C" "D" or "E" etc to next travel on the Up line. The same is true for Train "B."


I like this layout, it is admittedly simple, but that is through choice.
The same basic traverser could be used on a more complex build, with sidings, passing loops etc etc in the scenic area.


I enjoy the chance with this layout to just watch the different trains come and go, much as they do at a real station, and I like the fact that the potential is there for further and varied traffic.


I think I'll leave it there for now.


Thanks for looking in! ☺


*This Blog will be updated as and when the layout "tarting-up" is done.


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