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How it Actually Works.

Ray Von


The traverser deck is 12mm ply mounted on a pair of heavy-duty drawer runners attached to a base, also of 12mm ply. The deck is slightly smaller widthways than its base to enable smooth movement.
There are two sections of beading fixed to the inner sides immediately abutting the base-section, these keep the traverser deck at a consistent level along its depth.
Also, an adjustable height governer is mounted at the very front of each side, level with the end points of the fixed track sections.
These governers are chipboard bolts with a deep thread, each with a smooth plastic screw cover fitted to the head, again to allow smooth transition, and enabling fine-tuning of the rail height of the deck track in relation to that of the fixed track of the baseboard. When initially setting up the system, simply turning the bolt from underneath with pliers enabled the deck to rise and fall in small increments, until the level of the rail heights were matched.


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