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A Layout Without Points....

Ray Von


I wanted to build a small double oval layout and I wanted it to have a modest two platform station that would see a variety of loco's and rolling-stock stopping or passing through. I also wanted it to be a fairly cheap build, quick to make and easy to use...
This is what I came up with, a traverser. It does away with the need for multiple sets of points, the wiring of points and the banks of switches and motors required to control all those points (not to mention the hefty initial cost!)
The layout is just over 4' x 2' and the traverser deck is about 2' 3" wide (the same length as 4 sections of peco ST-11 track) by about 13" deep, each section can comfortably hold up to four coaches and a loco, at the moment there are 8 sections of track with room for one more.
The baseboard is divided lengthways into two uneven parts, the traverser side and a scenic area. The scenic area is slightly deeper than the traverser side and the track is peco flexitrack in 4th and 3rd radius curves. The traverser side is all second hand peco setrack, the curves this side are 3rd and 2nd radius.
Buying used setrack kept the cost down considerably, and despite the odd missing sleeper and occasional blob of congealed glue here and there it works just fine. I opted for brand-new flexitrack on the scenic side though, as this is reasonably priced and i think it looks better. On this particular layout I have used less than two lengths of flexitrack per line.


Next post: How it actually works...


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