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Topping off some Tunnel Portals (a small rainy day job)



One of the jobs I have been meaning to do for ages was to add some castellated ornaments above my representation of Linslade Tunnels. As I didn't have enough space to recreate the gap between the Up and Down Fast Lines at the real location I had to settle on a slightly different arrangement, and my Tunnel has four instead of three towers. Hopefully the end result looks something like the real thing?
Making up the castle towers using leftover bits of cardboard and embossed plasticard.
Adding some thin plasticard strips on the completed towers, and the joining curtain walls
Completed sections painted, just requiring some weathering powder to tone down the paint.
Centre section added over the Up Fast/Down Slow Line portal
Completed towers and walls added, some extra weathering added to the Tunnels to try and blend the new additions together. Some 'clump' foliage added to hide the gaps with the original scenery
All finished ! It took about seven hours work spread over four days to complete.

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  • RMweb Premium

A very imposing tunnel Mouth. 


Imagine how much you could make renting them out as holiday homes for trainspotters.... 

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