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A pair of small prairies

The Fatadder


Operation of the Kingsbridge branch requires 2 small prairies for passenger duties, one based in Kingsbridge and the other arriving during the day to cover the busy period in which a train runs in each direction at the same time. There is also a need for a third small prairie to run with the second loco above on an Exeter Plymouth working based on a memory from gwr expert John Lewis of a double headed 4575 power.


The first loco was renumbered a while back to 4582, a frequent visitor to the branch which has been included in photos in one of the Brent books. This was a straight renunber of the Bachman model, and now sits awaiting purchase of a small DCC decoder to be fitted.


The second was on the bench this evening, chosen to be a Newton Abbot 4500 class 4526 to give an it of variation in tank design. First up the Bachman printed number plates had to be removed (they are huge!). This was accomplished easily with microsol, as were the numbers on the ends. Plates from Coast Line models were then painted and fitted to the cabsides along with the usual HMRS transfers for the numbers.
A bit of damage to the black paint on the footplate was repaired (the perils of eBay), and it now joins its sister at the top of the decoder queue.


There is still further work to be completed, 4526 was incorrectly modelled with portholes on the cab front (why on a post war loco when Bachman have the correct cab tool!). Fortunately I am sure I have an etch somewhere that just needs a coat of green paint)
Secondly is the GWR logos on the tanks, the Bachman printing is a bit rubbish. The density of colour is poor, and they seem a bit too big. They will be removed on both locos and replaced with the HMRS version. Furth r detailing, coal, lamps etc will be completed in phase two along with the rest of the fleet.


So that is everything numbered for which I have the parts. The remaining 4 locos (plus 4025 for which I still need to find a reasonably priced Hornby Star to buy) have just been ordered from Narrow Planet, very good value at £3 unpainted (but not quite as good as Coast Line were!). Looking forward to their arrival, to finish off numbering the 72xx, 42xx, 51xx and 28xx (and hopefully the Star!)

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Rich,

Another quick mod on these is to replace the chimney with the Gibson lost wax casting.


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  • RMweb Gold

Will add that to the todo list, I have a Mitchell chimney from a brass kit that sadly was ruined in a house move which might also be a good option...

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  • RMweb Gold

I can't keep up with all your projects Rich, I don't know how you do it with a young family.

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  • RMweb Gold

I survive on little sleep, finding an hour in the evening a couple of times a week to do a bit of modelling.


The real problem comes with jobs like track building or coach painting which need a lot more time to be productive. Hence I still haven't got the airbrush out, or built much more track since the baby arrived.


If only I could take it all to work when I'm in Spain!


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  • RMweb Gold

If only I could take it all to work when I'm in Spain!


I've often thought it would be nice to have a small ready-packed case of some sort that could be quickly grabbed and thrown in the suitcase when going on work travel. Including an extra set of tools and a couple of kits that only "live" in there, so that you don't have to spend time packing a new project every time. One downside is that you'd have to check the luggage, as the tools wouldn't go through security. Haven't got around to it yet though.


Maybe the book registration project you're working on is easier though :-)

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