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Emsford Mill - the boiler house.

REC Farnborough


The last entry was in November 2014 and ended 'right, on with the boiler house'...


A little bit of history.... The boiler house is situated adjacent to the mill - as many mills found out, naked flames and flour-dust don't mix! However, neither do wooden roof-beams and stationary boiler chimneys... The result is that one cold night six months ago, the night-watchman (keeping himself warm in the boiler house) woke up to the crackling of flames above his head... He rapidly distanced himself from the flames - to the extent that he was unable to douse the blaze. The building was gutted and the stationary boiler was damaged beyond repair. As were the night watchman's job prospects...


Without the steam supply the mill was virtually at a standstill - although the long-disused water-wheels supplied enough power to ward off bankruptcy. A new engine was rapidly ordered from 'GEM' and arrived as a kit of parts -




- which was fortunate as it had to be built inside the (cleaned) remains of the old boilerhouse!




The boilerhouse is now in the process of being re-roofed, with new rafters, laths & tiles stacked ready for laying The new engine is, of course safely ensconced inside (but you'll have to take my word for it!)


Some 'fettling-in' is still required - the building (basically a simple 'box') is made from plasticard, sheathed inside & out with SE Finecasts 4mm 'English' bond, and the inner walls still show traces of soot and smoke-damage (again - trust me!) The 'old' engine will be cast-aside next to the boilerhouse - a warning to future night-watchmen!

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