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Parkside brake van



While I overwintered in Wales I took with me some modelling stuff, well quite a large cardboard boxful to be more precise, along with the silhouette cutter, laptop, etc. While I was there I went to the O gauge society expo in Reading and was tempted into buying a Parkside LMS brake van kit, mainly to get a feel of working in this gauge in preparation for the forthcoming CC1 mentioned in an earlier entry's comments.
I was impressed by the contents of the box, although the price is a bit on the heavy side at £40 odd quid in comparison to an etched brass kit I bought online from M&M models at slightly less money.
So, I started assembly end to side, end to side, both halves together. It was then I realised I'd stuck one side on upside down! duh! I couldn't do anything about that so just had to mark out and re-drill the holes for the various handrails, consequently one ducket is lower than it should be, never mind eh? good job I'm not a rivet counter, that would have been several Archers sheets worth I'm sure.
One problem and really the only one was that the floor section seemed to be half a mil too narrow, I overcame this by adding a length of plastic microstrip along one side of the base, problem solved. The kit went together well and despite the said dodgy ducket look good, to me at least, well it would wouldn't it?
Here's some pics,


This shot is just to illustrate what glue (seen in the background) I used




These two photos show the mistake on the sides


This is how I had to fill out the base section with Micro-strip






That's it, hope you liked it, bye for now.

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Nice work Roly.


Any more 7mm stuff lurking?





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Hi Mark,

Thanks for the compliment, I've only done the cardboard roof for the CC1 which, although I finally got the various sections sorted, didn't really work so back to the drawing board literally with that one. I'll check to see if I have enough material to do a small blog on it.

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