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'Hall' in good time.....



A bit more progress on the Hall over the past week.


Managed to airbrush the Precision post-war GWR green last weekend which went on nicely.




I then hand painted the cab roof, smoke box and tender coal space etc with Valejo black acrylic which covered nicely as ever:




The copper cap to the chimney, safety valve cover and splasher beading were painted in using Games Workshop colours:




I plan to add cylinder draincocks using handrail knobs and use staples for the lamp irons.


Also the lining was deliberately left on so as to act as a guide for applying the Fox lining transfers.


One of the Airfix/Bachmann Toad marriages is almost complete but representing an AA3 rather than the AA13/AA15 the model portrays.




The transfers are the recent releases from Cambridge Custom Transfers and are really good to work with. A drop of Microsol setting agent helps them bed down nicely.


Glazing and couplings and it will be finished soon.... ;)





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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Lovely stuff Mark


All for my fave project one hopes ;)


Thought the title was going to be 'Toad in the hall' :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Pete :D


'Toad in the Hall' could be one of the next titles.....


Watch this space! ;)

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