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Weathering Continues - Hornby 08 and S15, Kernow O2



This is just a progress report on weathering projects. The photos were taken in fairly dim light with my HTC phone, so are not the best but illustrate what I have been doing and indicate to me what the next steps should be.


I have slightly unweathered the Hornby 08 by dry brushing some BR blue back over the black washed edges and roof panels. It still needs a lot more work before I am happy with it, but I think it does look a little better than before.





The Hornby S15 has had a little more Humbrol black wash added, over the smokebox, cab roof, footplate and running boards, tender top and cylinders, plus a very thin application along the boiler top.







The Kernow/DJM O2 has also had some more of the Humbrol wash added to similar areas to the S15, plus the tank tops and bunker rails.





At risk of boring everyone with these slow step by step illustrations, I hope to show that weathering is best built up slowly, in layers, which is pretty well how it occurs on the real thing.

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